

Rice is a staple food for the whole world which many countries have different ways of preparing it.It is the most nutritious cereal after wheat.It enriches the body and increases semen production.It also purifies the complexion.In Nigeria we have different rice dishes like jollof,fried and coconut rice.


Dates are very nutritional and have antioxidants they also contain fibre.They also support brain health.I personally eat them for a good purge.There are different kinds of dates which grow in different parts of the world.There is a particular specie called ajwa which eating 7 in a day helps against magic related by muhammad peace be upon him.There is also a hadith that states that the ajwa is one of the fruits of paradise.It can also be used as a sweetener and to reduce the urge for sugar.


Cloves also known in yoruba as kanafuru is another herb which I personally use in reducing high blood sugar and clearing my bowel.I have used cloves for more than 35 years.I also use it for anxiety issues and to have a better mood.All you need to do is soak in water overnight and drink small amounts.It is also good for maintaining dental health. Try cloves today.

Olive oil

Now let's talk about olives and the oil extract olive oil.It has been used since ancient times to cure different kinds of ailments and personal take on this from experience is that it can help with poison whether solid,liquid or can also reduce anxiety since it calms the central nervous system.It also helps in beautification for the hair and skin and slows down the ageing process.It also has spiritual uses for anointing in case of magic when rubbed on the body.It is truly blessed.Allah mentioned it in the quran and swore by the olive in surah Tin.The prophet peace be upon him said eat olives and use it as an ointment because it is from a blessed tree.

The black seed

let's start with the black seed.I call this the king of herbs because muhammad peace be upon him said it's a cure for every disease except death.It is known as habbah sawdaa in Arabic and nigella sativa botanically. I have personally used this herb for 18 years for cold symptoms and to build my immune system.It is tested and trusted just a teaspoon of black seed oil everyday will do the is a must have in every home.

Food,drinks and herbs

Hello everyone I hope we are staying safe.I decided to start a new blog on foods,drinks and herbs to educate us about the sunnatic ways of staying healthy.This blog is to give the necessary information on different foods,drinks and herbs to keep us on check on what's junk and what's not based on the advice of the best of mankind Muhammad peace be upon him so sit back and relax dear readers when I set us on journey full of information and hopefully right guidance. Thanks